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March 14, 2024
How Does the Moon Impact Wine ?

The moon's gravitational pull significantly influences both the tides of the world's oceans and the sap within plant life, playing a critical role in viticulture worldwide. Its cycles determine the optimal times for various vineyard activities

How the moon influences wine growing

Going beyond biodynamic wine clichés, we want to stress out here how we, at Château du Rocher, make use if the influence the moon can have on wine. Before we deep dive into this fascinating topic, it is important for us to underline that the use of the moon in farming is of the utmost farmer common sense, and has been used in many regions and across many centuries.

Expressed in the works of the Institute of Physics, the moon's gravitational embrace, which orchestrates the ebbs and flows of the world's oceans, similarly influences the ascent and descent of sap within plant life, and is used by winemakers for wine pruning, planting, harvesting and vinification.

Beyond the Celestial: The Moon and Earthly Rhythms

The moon's caress transcends celestial confines, gently whispering to the oceans' tides and the sap's hushed flow within towering trees and tender vines. In the esteemed vineyards worldwide, the lunar rhythms play a subtle, yet significant, role, harmoniously aligning with the cycles of life and growth, and ultimately, the wine that graces our tables.

Expressed in the works of the Institute of Physics, the moon's gravitational embrace, which orchestrates the ebbs and flows of the world's oceans, similarly influences the ascent and descent of sap within plant life. This delicate balance, dictated by the moon’s ascending and descending phases, impacts the optimal periods for vine tending, ensuring robust health and exceptional grape quality.

Unveiling the Lunar Calendar in Viticulture

The biodynamic calendar, revered by many global vineyards, meticulously aligns viticultural activities with the moon's dance:

Root Days:As the moon traverses earth signs like Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, the focus shifts to nurturing the soil and roots, aligning with the sap’s ebb to ensure robust vine vitality.

Flower Days:Amid air signs such as Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, the influence on sap ascent is accentuated, optimizing the harvest period and ensuring the capture of intricate aromas and elegant flavors.

Leaf Days:Water-signed days direct attention to foliage and growth, harmonizing with the moon’s sway over the sap’s delicate movements within the vines.

Fruit Days:Aligned with fire signs, these days mark optimal harvest periods, coinciding with the peak of the sap's ascent, promising wines of vibrant character and richness.

The Quest for Empirical Alignment

Whilst the search for elaborating the best wines possible are akin to mankind, one can't diminish the tangible results thatresonate in  wine quality when making the moon an ally; using the harmonious alignment of lunar cycles and the natural rhythms of the Earth impacts the magic of wine.

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